
MA (Indian Diaspora)

The Centre offers an interdisciplinary course on Indian Diaspora at the M.A. level besides M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes on Indian diaspora.

Ph.D (Indian Diaspora)

The Centre offers Doctoral Programme in Indian Diaspora as per the UGC norms. Research students will be required to complete course work before taking up their research work. The intake of the students will change every academic year as per the vacancies available with the faculty. The duration of the curse is as per the University academic guidelines. The entrance test (written) for admission to Ph.D. programme consist of two parts. Part-A of the question paper will consist of objective type questions to examine the aptitude of the candidates to pursue the research programmes in the Centre. Part-B will consist of essay type questions related to the subject of study at the post graduate level. Ph.D. candidates will be interviewed on the general area of specialization proposed by the student and their M.Phil thesis, if any. The student seeking admission to the Ph.D. programme must submit with their applications an outline of their research proposal, bringing out specific theoretical and methodological approaches to be employed.