Departmental Committee

Departmental Committee Composition

The last Departmental Committee (DC) meeting was held on 14 February 2020. Accordingly, the following are the members of the DC in the Centre for Regional Studies (CRS), School of Social Sciences.


S. No.Name of the MemberAffiliationCapacity
1Prof. Sheela PrasadCentre for Regional Studies, UoHHead and Convenor
2Prof. Salma Ahmed FarooquiDept. of History, MANUU, HyderabadExternal Member
3Prof. Satish Kumar PoduvalSchool of Interdisciplinary Studies,  EFLU, HyderabadExternal Member
4Prof. B. R. ShamannaSchool of Medical Sciences, UoHInternal Member within the University
5Prof. Pushpesh KumarDept. of Sociology, UoHInternal Member within the School
6Dr. Arvind S. SusarlaCentre for Regional Studies, UoHFaculty Member
7Dr. V. Srinivasa RaoCentre for Regional Studies, UoHFaculty Member
8Dr. Salah. PCentre for Regional Studies, UoHFaculty Member
9Ms. Greeshma Justin JohnCentre for Regional Studies, UoHStudent Representative