
Current Students:

Name of the Student
Enrollment No.
Research Area/Topic
1Geeshma Justin JohnPh.D.15SRPH01EnvironmentDr. Arvind S. Susarla
2Seena. PPh.D.15SRPH02Institutional Space of PrisonsProf. Sheela Prasad
3Mohammed Shafi. KPh.D.15SRPH03Identity Construction of The Bearys of South KanaraDr. Salah. P.
4Murali RamathotiPh.D.15SRPH04Caste Discrimination in Higher Educational Place: A
Comparative Study of UoH, EFLU and NALSAR University
Prof. Arun Kumar Patnaik
5Anu GuptaPh.D.16SRPH01Surrogacy and RegionProf. Sheela Prasad
6Shreyasee DasguptaPh.D.16SRPH02Urban StudiesDr. Arvind S. Susarla
7Doddi NamrataPh.D.16SRPH03Urban StudiesProf. Sheela Prasad
8Vinoj N. M.Ph.D.17SRPH01Denominational Conflict: Reflections from the FieldDr. Salah. P.
9Ashish PrabhakarPh.D.17SRPH02Resistance in Peri-Urban areas in IndiaDr. Arvind S. Susarla
10Noushida. P. PPh.D.17SRPH04Food Culture and Migration among the Muslims in KeralaProf. Sheela Prasad
11Prashant KumarM.Phil.19SRHL01Water and SocietyDr. Arvind S. Susarla
12Fasalu Rahman. O. PM.Phil.19SRHL02Wetlands and Climate ChangeProf. Sheela Prasad
13Adarsh SinghM.Phil.19SRHL03Farming Practices of Tribes in Southern UPDr V. Srinivasa Rao

Alumni Students:

M.Phil. Students

Ph.D. Students